Monday, October 29, 2012

From watching the movie Faces of America, I learned that many people and things effect your life. During the industrial age millions of people immigrated to America for work. It has been proved that every American can trace routes to back to the immigrants during to industrial age. If someone traces their lineage back to their great great grandparents, they will have 32 people that have effected your life. At least one of these 32 ascendents will have been an immigrant during the industrial age.

I believe America is most definitely a "Nation of Immigrants".  The millions of people that immigrated to America during the industrial age left many things behind. They left behind most if not all their belongings, friends, and family. The immigrants also left behind their cultures. When they came to America they were embraced by a completely different culture. This attitude that the people had to pick and go to a different country looking for a better life shaped America very much. These people are why the work ethic in America is so good. The immigrants also 

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